
Showing posts from January, 2018

Mt. Mayon Volcanic Eruption

Within 4 miles of Mt. Mayon, Philippines, officials in January have been forced to evacuate inhabitants within 4 miles of the crater due to volcanic explosions shown in this video: The end of the video includes some incredibly close shots of magma turned lava flowing down the side of the mountain and slowly gathering in clumps and slowing down as the river of molten rock cools from the air and surrounding rocks. These rocks will most likely cool relatively quickly, and not develop large crystals. Depending on the speed of the cooling, the rocks could have a glassy texture, or one with small dark holes due to escaping gas bubbles. Locally, the increase of seismic activity throughout the world, and western United States  have caused great concern for some in our area that the Yellowstone caldera's future eruptions could destroy the portion of the country in which we know and love. Hopefully that doesn't happen anytime soon, b...

Right From the Backyard

My landlord happens to be an elementary school teacher that collects random minerals in the backyard. I have to dodge and throw them back into the flower beds during the summer when I mow the lawn. According to the research and pictures I've undergone and observed I believe that this mineral I found is called "Gypsum Selenite". If I'm correct, there is much more of this glass looking mineral in my home state than I ever realized. I found interesting facts about this mineral from the Wild About Utah Organization. (Website including sources: The following is from their site: "Many of us slumber nightly amid the mineral sediments of ancient oceans. The Sheetrock walls of your home are made from the marine mineral gypsum. Along with rock salt, gypsum forms as a precipitate from salty brines. In deep stagnant waters, these minerals are concentrated by settling. More commonly, evaporative precipitates accumulate ben...

Signs From the San Andreas Fault Line

In November of 2017 significant earthquake activity that is common along the San Andreras Fault line in California may be warning signs for the next "Big" earthquake to effect California. Seismologists warn that the consistent building up of activity along the fault line could lead to earthquakes upwards of 8.0 magnitudes in the future, that could continue in occurrence for multiple years. The 1906 quake of 7.9 magnitude made it's name by taking the lives of 3,000 people. For those of us in Utah, there are similar scares at times due to the shifting or sliding of the Wasatch Fault running from Southern Idaho to Central Utah. The fault terminates near the town Fayette. I remember an earthquake at my home when I was younger that caused the clock to shake on my piano. Although I felt like I was on Mary Poppins, I fear that more serious earthquakes due to both of these faults will come in the future.

Geology in My Everyday Life

I may be strange, but I truthfully notice geological features every day of my life. I'm fascinated by the mountains each morning as I drive/ride the train to work. I imagine how plates were moved to form them, and how years of erosion have effected their shape and height. I blame my mom for this, as she used to tell us all about plate tectonics on drives we would take as a family. I found it interesting in the reading that the text gave historical background on geological theory including the notion that the earth's shape was due to catastrophes. That absolutely is the case, but only part of the time, and I'm very interested to see what this class has to offer in full as we move forward this semester and I gain a greater understanding and depth of appreciation for this incredible planet God has given us stewardship of.  My personal favorite geological structure: Grand Teton National Park, WY, USA.