Drip: A Fictional Narrative

*Do I feel that my understanding of this assignment is silly? (yes). Will I still do it? (yes).

Image result for hawaii ocean

Drip, who was just a drop in the ocean (or at least used to be) was sad to leave the big blue Pacific. Evaporating into the air, he collects as moisture in clouds with particles of dirt, dust, smoke, and lots of other materials. From the clear, blue, warm waters of Hawaii his cloud took him, all the way to Alaska, over high mountain ranges with snow capped peaks.

Luckily for Drip, he dropped into a lush green meadow where the zone of saturation was close to the surface of the ground. Although part of Drip was sucked up by the roots of a pine tree, drip was happy to give a drop to help someone along his way. Down through the unsaturated zone he went, getting help along the way from other drops, until he reached the water table, where he was again surrounded by water.

Just as Drip got comfortable, he again started to move.  He stops suddenly however, as he encounters an aquitard, a large granite slab underground. Luckily, drip was near the bottom of the granite stopping the water, where the hydraulic gradient curve was close. as the rain came down and the water table rose, away went drip along the recharge area, this time, toward a river, thanks to the gaining stream close to his new home.

Before getting to the river however, Drip is all of the sudden in a dark cylinder that extends upwards into the light. This new home for Drip is called a well, a deep man made opening designed to access ground water for drinking and watering. This well isn't very deep however, thanks to aquitard creating a perched water table, that drip started to move away from before dropping into the well. Drip doesn't stay in his well for very long though, pretty soon he's evaporated again, up in the clouds. This time, he drops on top of a large alpine glacier. This time he freezes, and finds a more permanant home. He will be here for a very long time.

Image result for alpine glacier alaska


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